Kevin is out of prison!
May 25, 2016 von seiner Support Homepage
Today Kevin was released from MCC Chicago and is now on his way to a halfway house in California. Kevin has been looking forward to this moment for almost three years, and he is excited to be starting his next step towards being done with his sentence.
Although Kevin is moving closer to home, we must remember that this is not the end to his need for community support. The impacts of prison unfortunately last far after when people step beyond their walls, and lasting support for former prisoners must be integral to our movement. We must take care of each other always.
And we must celebrate when our friends get out of prison! So, celebrate and continue to show Kevin the amazing support he’s received the last few years. He is forever grateful for all the support, and he looks forward to being home.
You can now write to him at the halfway house at:
Kevin Johnson
c/o Beit T’Shuvah
8831 Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90034
You can also donate to support Kevin and Tyler as they continue to move forward with completing time in halfway houses and then adjusting to life back home.