Paris: Solidarität mit Kara!

7thJun. × ’16

Solidarity with Kara !

On Thurdsday 26th of May, 5 protesters were arrested following the burning of a police car in Paris, in France, among them, Kara, a trans woman from America, remand in custody in a men’s prison.

Communiqué of the groupe of Collective Defense (Defcol) :

« Following the demonstration of 26th of May, a young trans woman, Kara has been arrested a few streets away from « Place de la Nation » in Paris. She was put in police custody and later brought to the courthouse and then under investigation regarding the burning of a police car which happened earlier on during another protest on 18th of May. A statement from the parquet, later used by the press, revealed she is being accused of throwing a pole on the car windscreen.

On 29th of May, the judge of freedoms and detention incarcerated Kara for 4 days, the time she prepare her defense. Back in front of the judge on 2nd of June, Kara was placed in custody
Kara is originally from America. She was intriduce to the press and the courthouse as « a male american » eventhouh she is a trans woman, her detention must fit for her case. She should also have access to her hormonal treatment.

An article of « Le Parisien » on Thrusday 2nd of June, claims Kara was spotted « by the CCTV » according to her « fine and very particular silhouette ». How can we identify a masked person based only on its « silhouette » ? As for the other people put under investigation in this case, these protesters are put in custody with such tenuous evidences.

Repression hits everybody involved and taking part in the social movement ongoing in France.
Solidarity towards all people arrested must be absolute. »

Solidarity with Kara and all trans people in prison !
Freedom for all protesters in jail !

Read the articles in French :

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