Freitag, 29. Juli
Achtung: das heutige Briefeschreiben findet nicht im Alten Zoll statt,
sondern wahrscheinlich in der Carambolage.
Infos folgen!
Beginn: 19h
Freitag, 29. Juli
Achtung: das heutige Briefeschreiben findet nicht im Alten Zoll statt,
sondern wahrscheinlich in der Carambolage.
Infos folgen!
Beginn: 19h
Luke has finally reached the end of his two-year prison sentence! On July 25th at 9AM he will walk out of Washington State Prison and into the next phase of his sentence: eight years of probation and banishment from Georgia, his home state.
We are SO excited, but also aware that he will need a lot of help as he struggles to get his feet on the ground in a new state without his family and friends at his side.
We are reaching out to you because you have been a source of support in the past as Luke fought his case and then fought to keep his spirits high in prison. He needs your help now, again, as he fights to establish a life for himself on the West Coast.
Donate here:
Thanks so much,
Luke’s Support Committee
Soli-Kundgebung für Nekane, ab Juli jeden letzten Freitag im Monat.
29. Juli 2016: Treffpunkt Lettensteg (Nähe Flussbad Oberer Letten, Kornhausbrücke, Zürich)
Free Nekane! Nekane Askatu! Keine Auslieferung an den Folterstaat Spanien!
Genauer Ort:
Weitere Infos:
«Man habe [Nekane] Plastiktüten über den Kopf gestülpt und sie so nahe an den Erstickungstod gebracht. Dazu seien Schläge auf den Kopf und Scheinexekutionen gekommen: ‹Sie fahren in einen Wald, halten an und führen dich hinein. Sie fesseln dich an Armen und Beinen und stecken dir die Pistole in den Mund›, ist im Interview zu lesen.»
By ABC Brighton (see Facebook ABC Brighton)
I heard about Patryks situation through Brighton ABC and I immediately thought there must be something I can do. Me and Patryk share similiar situations, we both dealing with repression after have done something we belive in, but we also have kids in the same age. I know the hardest thing about being in prison is not be able to be there for your family. At least I am fortunate to be in the same country as my family.
It is not much I could do for Patryk and his family within these walls but I will donate my two weeks pay to Patryks fund. It is not a huge sacrifice and it is not a huge amount of money, it is more of a statement and a call for solidarity with Patryk and his family.
Loyalty, Friendship, Commitment
If you want to send money to Patryk or read more about him contact Brighton ABC
At the beginning of May 2016 our comrade Patryk Cichoń from Poland was arrested by British police under an European Arrest Warrant. Patryk is a well known anti-fascist militant notorious among nazi-bonehead scum in his city for his uncompromising stance against them in the past. Boneheads managed to convince a few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend for alleged assault and robbery. As it appeared later, his friend had very good alibi and had the charges dropped (despite being allegedly recognised by the “victim” and his friends), so Patryk ended up being sentenced on his own. The whole trial was an absolute travesty and Patryk as a poor, young working class person was not able to afford a proper defence. He spent two months on remand in 2004 and was sentenced to three years in prison.
It is clear that this whole case was politically motivated and had only one purpose, which was to get rid of the core of the anti-fascist resistance in Patryk’s home town.
Rather than doing prison time, he decided to escape abroad and came to UK in 2005. He started his new life there, continuing to be involved in anti-fascist activity: organising gigs in London, including United and Strong Fest which has seen lots of great Antifa bands from all over Europe performing, and raising money for antifascist initiatives. He was also the editor of the ‘Skinhead Revolt’ fanzine, which was the first left wing skinhead publication in Polish.
After his arrest, he spent 9 days behind bars and was then was released under strict bail conditions, including a curfew and an electronic tag. On June 24 he has to attend another hearing that will most likely decide upon his extradition. Patryk is fighting against being sent back to Poland as he has a family in the UK, including his partner and an 8-year-old son.
He currently needs all the solidarity we can offer. He has already spent his savings on legal defence and will need more money to continue, but in the meantime his family also needs supporting.
Patryk was always there if others needed help and assistance, please make sure he is not left on his own now.
Fundraising is organised by Brighton Anarchist Black Cross. You can pay money to our paypal address: (please choose “payment to a friend” option and add a note saying “for Patryk”) or to our bank account: Nationwide Acc. no./Reference: 0321 / 704131186 [NB: The sender will need to quote this account number in the additional reference section on their payment instruction]
IBAN: GB97NAIA07009333333334 BIC: NAIAGB21
31 may 2016 Taganrog City Court Judge Georgy Serebryanikov sentenced 31-year-old local resident Elizaveta Tsvetkova to a year of corrective labor for disseminating leaflets criticizing the police, reports Caucasian Knot. As published on the court’s website, the verdict stipulates that fifteen percent of Tsvetkova’s wages will be docked by the state for a year. The activist has also been charged 6,000 rubles in court costs.
Serebryanikov found the defendant guilty under Criminal Code Article 281.2 (incitement of hatred or enmity toward the social group “police officers”), which stipulates a maximum punishment of four years in a penal colony.
During closing arguments on May 16, Taganrog Deputy Chief Prosecutor Vadim Dikaryov asked that Tsetkova be sentenced to one year in a work-release colony. Serebryanikov thus imposed a lighter sentence than was requested by the prosecution.
The activist, however, pleaded not guilty. During her closing statement, on May 27, she stressed she had protested the illegal actions of law enforcement officers. She reminded Judge Serebryanikov of high-profile criminal cases against policemen, including the cases of Major Denis Yevsyukov and the Dalny police station in Kazan.
Lawyer Yuri Chupilkin had also asked the court to acquit his client.
Initially, the reading of the verdict in Tsvetkova’s trial had been scheduled for May 30. However, an hour before the scheduled hearing, the activist was called and informed it would be postponed. The reasons for the delay were not explained to the defendant.
It is unclear whether Tsvetkova would appeal the verdict.
Charges were filed against the activist in January 2015. According to investigators, Tsvetkova downloaded a leaflet criticizing the police from the Vkontakte social network, printed it out, and the day before Law Enforcement Officers Day, in November 2014, posted it at public transport stops and on street lamps.
The investigation was completed in August 2015. However, in September, the acting Taganrog city prosecutor uncovered numerous legal violations in the investigation, refused to confirm the indictment, and sent the case back to the Russian Investigative Committee. The indictment was confirmed the second time round, in November.
However, investigators ignored a sociological forensic study, carried out by Professor Vladimir Kozyrkov at Nizhny Novgorod University. Professor Kozyrkov rejected claims that police officers constitute a social group.
At preliminary hearings in December, Chupilkin insisted on striking a number of pieces of evidence from consideration, in particular, studies done by the regional interior ministry. Judge Serebryanikov, however, rejected the defense’s motions.
The hearing on the merits began on January 15, 2016. During the April 20 hearing, Viktor Chernous, a sociology professor at Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don, subpoenaed as an expert witness, also testified that police officers were not a social group, and consequently there had been nothing criminally culpable in the actions imputed to the defendant.
In turn, Elizaveta Koltunova, an assistant professor of linguistics at Nizhny Novgorod University, who was subpoenaed as an expert witness, noted that she could find nothing extremist about the leaflet that had led to the charges filed against Tsvetkova.
Rosfinmonitoring has included Tsvetkova in its list of terrorists and extremists and blocked her bank account.
* * *
An excerpt from the closing statement of activist Elizaveta Tsvetkova (Taganrog) at her trial on charges of extremism, May 27, 2016:
I still think that escapades like my own, the case in Stavropol involving the [alleged] offense to the feelings of religious believers, and other cases, have caused no real harm, but the outcome is that our law enforcement system acquires the image of a satrap for some reason. In addition, people are distracted from real dangers such as identifying terrorists. Perhaps I am an overly sensitive person, but it seems to me that one cannot remain indifferent after such high-profile cases as that of Major Yevsyukov, who gunned down civilians in a supermarket, and the case of torture at the Dalny police station, where a man died.
These cases would cause anyone to have a negative attitude towards the illegal actions of police officers. I remain convinced that cases of bribery, torture, and murder must be stopped. People should not be afraid of police officers who break the law and engage in rough justice, but should put a stop to their actions, report their illegal activists, and publicly criticize police officers. Only then we will live in a country under the rule of law and be able to improve life in Russia. Cliquishness and special privileges are always abnormal and generally unfair, especially when it comes to such questions. A divided society cannot function normally. We must realize that if people are be unable to stand up for their rights in any area, if they are forced to put up with lawlessness in policing, housing, and health care, we will never live in a civilized, well-developed country. 26.6.16
Kara Wild is an artist, comrade and resilient force of nature, currently being detained in France for her alleged participation in a protest against draconian labor reforms and police repression. She is a trans woman and is currently being held in a men’s jail without access to hormones. She is also a U.S. citizen and has been denied bond because French authorities consider her a flight risk.
On May 18th, thousands of people converged in Paris to defy an ongoing siege of police violence and to oppose a new neoliberal labor reform. During one of these marches a police car was attacked and set on fire. Kara was brutally arrested in connection to this incident more than a full week later, on May 26th, at a separate event near La Place de la Nation. Despite a distinct lack of evidence, she is being accused of smashing a pole through a police car’s windshield moments before it was set on fire. Her charges are, “attempted voluntary manslaughter of a person holding public office, destruction of property, group violence and participating in a masked armed group.”
Kara is among 6 people currently facing charges in connection to this incident. To make matters worse, France’s Prime Minister, Manuel Valls is vowing to execute “unrelenting punishment,” in order to set an example and de-mobilize protests.
Despite attacks by the state, global movements against capitalism, white supremacy, hetero-sexist patriarchy and austerity grow stronger each day, from Paris to Oaxaca. As the flames of resistance multiply this summer, let us make sure not to leave our friends behind! Please help us support Kara Wild by writing to her, donating to her defense fund, and spreading the word about her case.
Freedom to all political prisoners! Freedom to all transwomen prisoners! Freedom to all prisoners!
Write to Kara
Being confined in a prison cell day in and day out is a horrible ordeal. The amount of mental and physical stress it puts on a person is indescribable. For Kara, who is confined in isolation in a foreign country, receiving letters means the world. So please, send Kara a letter knowing that you are thinking of her, that we are fighting for her on the outside, and make a new pen pal!
Remember, that all letters will be read by prison staff, so avoid putting anything in your letters that would incriminate yourself or others.
Check out Black and Pink’s suggested guidelines on prisoner letter writing before writing:
Kara can be written to at:
Association Acceptess T
39 bis boulevard Barbès
75018 Paris
or via email (which will be printed and transferred to her by her Paris support group) at:
For email, set your subject as TO KARA. For letters, please include an extra piece of paper (it can be just a post-it note), noting that your letter is for Kara.
Posted on June 21, 2016
In the year since the first July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners in 2015, there has been a disturbing increase of Far Right activity worldwide. Every day brings news of some new wave of reaction—in the name of nationalism and security—which demonizes refugees and immigrants, stokes hatred for Muslims, and attacks LGBTQ and other oppressed groups fighting for their liberation and their very lives.
We see Nigel Farage and UKIP in the UK, the Burmese magazine The Irrawaddy, the Front National in France, and Donald Trump in the U.S. all making the same racist claims about refugees using almost identical Far Right language. In response, anti-fascists from Poland, Thailand, Malaysia, England, Australia, Brazil, Burma, Greece, France, Sweden, the United States, and all points in between, have the same response to this bigoted garbage:
Antifascists are on the front lines in the fight against these fascist and other Far Right nationalist nightmares. In the U.S. we have already seen a large increase in antifa arrests at increasingly confrontational demonstrations against KKK and similar rallies. Internationally, there has also been an increase in street confrontations, and unfortunately this means more repression by the State. We will not allow our comrades—surrounded by steel cages and concrete walls—to be forgotten.
The July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as the Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. In 2015, we expanded our solidarity efforts to include all antifascist prisoners across the globe. There were a variety of actions around the world: groups held benefit concerts, movie nights, talks, raffles, banner drops, letter-writings, and literature distribution on the street and at a punk festival. Others did photo-ops and videos, and issued statements of solidarity.
We call on anti-fascists worldwide to act in solidarity with antifascist prisoners! Consider having an event or dedicating an action to them. They are in there for us, and we are out here for them!
No Pasaran!
Until All Are Free!
Below is a list of global antifascist prisoners. Translations of the call are coming shortly. Please contact us: if you know an antifa prisoner who is missing form the list (include their details, and what languages they can read); if you can help translate the call; or if you are planning an event that, so that we can help publicize it:
Note that there is a separate call for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist and Antifascist Prisoners, from July 1-10, 2016. It doesn’t matter if you want to participate in one or both calls, as long as you show your solidarity!
Valleys Antifascists/Antiffa’r Cymoedd in Pontypridd, Wales.
««««««Global List of Antifascist Prisoners»»»»»»
(list will be updated shortly; check back soon!)
Roman Bogdan
Roman Bogdan was arrested on April 15, 2015, as part of the long-going state repression of anti-fascists in Brest, stemming from a fight between anti-fascists and fascists on May 8, 2013. In October, Roman was sentenced to 8 years in a penal colony and must pay 3500 Euro in damages. On December 15, 2015 a regional appellate court commuted his sentence by 2 years.
He can read Russian and simple English phrases.
213010 Shklov
p. Molodezhnyj, IK-17, otryad 12
Mogilevskaya obl.
Vlad Lenko
Vlad Lenko is an antifascist from Ivatsevichi (Brest region). He was arrested on December 27, 2014, and accused of taking part in a fight against local neo-Nazis earlier in December. Vlad was charged with group hooliganism and aggravated bodily harm, and in September 2015 was sentenced to 6 years in a penal colony.
Supporters are trying to raise money to appeal the verdict, which they hope will reduce his sentence by half. They also need to collect 1000 Euro to pay damages ordered by the court.
Fundraising WebMoney:
$ Z418615316084
€ E146518161935
He can read Russian and simple English phrases.
Lenko Vlad Igorevich
211300 Vitebskaya obl.
Vitebskiy rajon, Vitba, IK-3
Dzmitry Stsyashenka
Dzmitry Stsyashenka was arrested on October 4, 2013, for his alleged involvement in a fight between antifascists and neo-Nazis in Brest on May 8, 2013, that sent one Nazi to the hospital. He is also accused of another fight with neo-Nazis later in the summer of 2013. He was sentenced to four years in prison, but in 2014 his term was reduced by one year due to an amnesty.
In April 2015, the case from May 2013 was reopened and Dzmitry was charged again. He was sentenced in October 2015 to another 5 years in a penal colony and ordered to pay 500 Euro in damages. In December, the regional appellate court commuted this sentence by 2 years, which is in addition to the 4 years he is already serving.
He can read Russian and simple English phrases.
213800 Bobruisk,
ul. Sikorskogo 1a, IK-2, otryad 14
Mogilevskaya obl.
Jock Palfreeman
Jock Palfreeman is an Australian anti-fascist political prisoner serving a twenty-year prison sentence in Bulgaria for the rather mysterious death of a neo-Nazi football hooligan who was part of a group attacking two Romani men in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2007. Jock came to the aid of the Romani, and quickly found himself the focus of the attack. Bulgarian authorities did everything they could to ensure that Jock did not receive a fair trial, and after his sentencing have refused–in contravention of their own treaties–to transfer him to Australia to serve the rest of his time closer to his family. Jock wants donations for him sent to the Bulgarian Prisoners’ Association, which he is part of.
He can read English and Bulgarian.
Jock Palfreeman
Sofia Central Prison
21 General Stoletov Boulevard
Sofia 1309, BULGARIA
Valentin was arrested on July 1, 2015, and is accused of taking part in violent clashes between antifascist ultras and neo-Nazi hooligans after a football match between SV Werder Bremen and Hamburger SV. The violent confrontation began when fascist hooligans from Bremen attacked a group of ultras, identifying them as left-wing antifascists.
Since his arrest, Valentin has been in custody awaiting trial and is charged with aggravated battery and severe breach of the peace (schwerer Landfriedensbruch). The police have presented him as the “prime suspect” in the case and have made clear that Valentin will be used by the state as an example against political violence.
His supporters are asking for donations to help with legal costs, and for letters and messages of solidarity. They ask that people writing keep in mind that the police read these messages, so to not reference anything illegal.
Valentin can read German and English.
Donation Account:
Rote Hilfe e.V. Ortsgruppe Bremen
IBAN: DE71 2001 0020 0481 9122 06
Postbank Hamburg
Reference: Freiheit für Valentin
(Please don’t forget the payment reference!)
Infoladen Bremen
C/O Valentin
St-Pauli-Str. 10-12
28203 Bremen
Aleksandr Kolchenko
Aleksandr Kolchenko was arrested in Crimea on May 17, 2014, along with several others, and accused by Russian authorities of participation in a “terrorist group” which planned explosions near the Eternal Fire memorial and the Lenin monument in Simferopol, as well as having sabotaged railway tracks and electricity lines. Aleksandr is also alleged to have carried out two arson attacks in April: against the headquarters of the Russian Unity-Party, and the Russian Community of Crimea. He was transferred to Moscow and is being kept in draconian conditions. His lawyers are under a gag order, and have been refused elementary rights to defend him. He faces fifteen-to-twenty years in a labor camp.
Russian authorities claim that Aleksandr is a member of Right Sektor, a Ukrainian ultra-right nationalist organization, but he has no connection to the group—a fact confirmed by relatives and friends. Moreover, Aleksandr is an antifascist and anarchist who consistently opposed nationalistic movements in Crimea and faced constant fascist attacks for his activism. For example, after a film screening about murdered anti-fascist journalist Anastasiya Baburova, he was attacked by thirty Nazis with knives.
Since this case is highly political, Aleksandr’s legal costs are high, around 850 euro per month. The investigation has created a heavy financial strain on local ABC groups, and there is a call for financial support and information distribution. You can make donations via PayPal to or using a bank account (write to the same e-mail address for details).
Kolchenko Aleksandru Aleksandrovichu
Bolshaya Sadovaya str, 31
Please note: Moscow ABC advises that letters in English are seldom accepted in Russian prisons, so please write only in Russian (try using a translation program), or just send photos and postcards.
Alexey Sutuga
Alexey Sutuga is a longtime anarchist and anti-fascist who was arrested in April 5, 2014, for a fight with members of the ultra right in Moscow. He was sentenced on September 30, 2014, to three years and one month in prison for his alleged involvement in the fight.
However, this sentence comes in the context of an earlier case from April 2012, when he was arrested for allegedly taking part in a fight at a punk/hardcore concert in Moscow on December 17, 2011. The conflict began after club security, consisting of members of the far right, provoked guests. The concert was stopped prematurely because of the fight, but the security then attempted to take some of the audience hostage and threatened to call their nationalist football hooligan friends in reprisal. The audience members resisted and the club security opened fire with rubber coated metal bullets. However, the club security was neutralized and sent to the hospital. The case against Alexey and several others was eventually dropped in January 2014 on the eve of the Sochi Winter Olympics as part of the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on initiative of Vladimir Putin.
Sutuga Alexey Vladimirovich 1986 g.r
Ispravitelnaya Koloniya № 2
Pervy Promyshlenniy massiv
kvartal 47
d. 6 g. Angarsk 665809
Irkutskaya oblast
Please note: Moscow ABC advises that letters in English are seldom accepted in Russian prisons, so please write only in Russian (try using a translation program), or just send photos and postcards.
Note: The fight against fascism in Sweden is very aggressive, and many of the anti-fascists that are in prison are alleged to be involved in extremely militant activities and organizations. There are several more anti-fascists in Sweden who are currently in prison but do not want their names or addresses publicized. If you would like to write these individuals, please contact Föreningen fånggruppen.
Joel Almgren
Joel Almgren was sentenced to five years and six months for defending a local community-organized anti-racist demonstration in Stockholm against a brutal Nazi attack on December 15, 2013. The peaceful protest—against fascist assaults on local anti-racists and the dissemination of Nazi propaganda in area schools—was attacked with knives, sticks, and glass bottles by the most militant Nazi group in Sweden. Anti-fascists at the scene defended the demonstration from the attack and many were injured themselves.
Joel has over 4080 USD in fines, and his supporters are asking for help raising the money.
To donate from a non-swedish bank account:
IBAN: SE0680000832799438650120
He can read Swedish and English.
Joel Almgren
KVA Tidaholm
522 85 Tidaholm
Linus Soinjoki
[NOTE: He is now scheduled to be released at the end of June 2016.]
Linus Soinjoki was charged and convicted for actions related to his involvement in the anti-fascist movement in Sweden. He was given fourteen months in prison and began serving his sentence in mid-May 2015.
Linus can read Swedish and English.
We have received news that Linus would rather people contact a Swedish Antifa support page, Föreningen fånggruppen, for his address if people are interested in writing to him.
United States
Luke O’Donovan
On New Year’s Eve of 2013, Luke O’Donovan attended a house party in Reynoldstown, a neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. Luke was seen dancing with and kissing other men at the party. Later in the night he was insulted with homophobic slurs, and attacked by several people at once. Luke unsuccessfully attempted to escape, at which point several witnesses reported watching between five and twelve men ganging-up on Luke and stomping on his head and body, evidently with the intent to kill him. He was called a faggot before and during the attack, throughout the course of which he and five others were stabbed. Luke was subsequently imprisoned and charged with five counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon as well as one count of attempted murder.
Luke’s trial concluded on August 12, 2014, when he accepted a negotiated plea deal. He agreed to a two year sentence beginning that day, and then eight years of harsh probation. The judge also banished Luke from the state of Georgia for the term of his probation.
He can read English.
Luke Patrick O’Donovan
Washington State Prison
P.O. Box 206
Davisboro, GA 31018
Verfasst von: ZRV Wien. Verfasst am: 23.06.2016 – 23:22. Geschehen am: Dienstag, 21. Juni 2016.
Łukasz Bukowski, ein Aktivist aus Poznan (Polen) sitzt seit 27. April für 3 Monate im Häfen. Er war an einer Blockade beteiligt, durch die die Zwangsräumung eines Paares aus einem Mietshaus verhindert werden sollte. Ihm wird Körperverletzung eines Polizisten vorgeworfen, was er bestreitet. Da Łukasz sich weigerte, die verhängte Geldstrafe und Ersatzstrafe zu leisten, wurde erschließlich zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt.
Łukasz möchte damit auf die brutalen Mechanismen von Verdrängung und Zwangsräumungen aufmerksam machen, die in ganz Polen (und nicht nur dort) an der Tagesordnung sind. Außerdem wird durch seinen Fall die unfaire Behandlung von Mieter_innen und die Repression gegen Mietrechtsaktivisten deutlich gemacht.
Wir als Gruppe Zwangsräumungen verhindern Wien erachten das Engagement von Łukasz und seiner Mitstreiter_innen für eine soziale Wohnpolitik, die sich an den Bedürfnissen der Mieter_innen nach Wohnraum orientiert und das aktive Einschreiten zur Verhinderung von Zwangsräumungen als wichtig und unterstützenswert.
Um unserer Unterstützung für Łukasz Ausdruck zu verleihen, haben wir am 21. Juni der polnischen Botschaft in Wien einen Besuch abgestattet. Die Botschaftsangestellten weigerten sich, unseren Brief an den Botschafter, in dem wir die Freilassung von Łukasz fordern, entgegenzunehmen. Geschniegelte Büroangestellte drängten sich an uns vorbei, ohne auch nur irgendwie auf unser Anliegen zu reagieren. Ein anderer Botschaftsangestellter, der ein T-Shirt mit einem bluttriefenden Schwert umrahmt von der polnischen Nationlaflagge trug, machte uns inzwischen klar, dass es die einzige Möglichkeit wäre, einen Brief per Post an den Botschafter zu schicken. Als uns gedroht wurde, sie würden wegen einer unangemeldeten Kundgebung die Polizei rufen, haben wir uns aus dem Staub gemacht. Allerdings nicht ohne vorher einige Fotos zu schießen, die wir auch an Łukasz schicken werden. Wir hoffen Łukasz freut sich über diese Post aus Wien.
Wenn ihr ihm auch (auf englisch oder polnisch) schreiben wollt – hier ist seine Adresse:
Łukasz Bukowski s. Zbigniewa
Areszt Śledczy w Poznaniu
ul. Młyńska 1
61-729 Poznań, Poland
Brief von Nekane Txapartegi, die seit Ende April in Zürich in Auslieferungshaft sitzt (beachtet die neue Adresse!)
Zuerst wollte ich dir sagen dass ich Mühe hatte deine Schrift zu verstehen 😉 . Trotzdem danke für deinen Brief.
Die Briefe brauchen ca. 2 Wochen und ich lese Sie gerne, weil Sie uns in Kontakt mit der äusseren Welt und unserem politischen Engagement halten. Ich ernähre mich von eurer Solidarität und das gibt mir Mut weiter zu kämpfen.
Die Haftbedingungen sind sehr begrenzt. Sie nehmen uns die Freiheit und sie versuchen uns auch die Autonomie zu stehlen. Wir können nicht entscheiden wann wir duschen wollen oder wie wir uns bekleiden. Wir können zwei Mal pro Woche duschen, wenn sie es sagen und sie sortieren die Kleider die ich bekomme. Diese tägliche Schikane versucht uns zu brechen und so kann das Gefängnis alles machen. Die wollen das wir unserer Rechte danken müssen, reine Weisse Folter. Aber ich akzeptiere das nicht und so schreibe ich viele Klage und protestiere.
Ich gratuliere zu deinem Geburtstag! Ich bin köperlich ein bisschen älter (43) aber seelisch immer noch Jung! Ich wurde in der letzten Franco Diktatur geboren und bin kämpferisch und rebellisch aufgewachsen. Ich mag Kortatu, Negu gorriak und der genannte Rock Radikal Vasco, Rip, la Polla, Eskorbuto, Piperrak… Die haben über soziale Probleme kritische Lieder gesungen. Leider sind viele von denen später wegen dem Drogenkonsum gestorben. In meiner Generation hat der spanische Staat die Drogen in die linke Szene gebracht um so die Bewegung anzuhalten.
Zusammen damit kam die Repression: Verhaftungen, Foltern, Apartheid, Illegalisation… Leider musste ich sehr viel von der Seite des spanischen repressiven Apparates erleben. Die Folter war eine und jetzt versuche ich hier die Stimme von 5000 baskische Gefolterten zu werden. Wir müssen die “spanische Demokratie” demaskieren und die Schweizerische oder Deutsche Kollaboration denunzieren.
Auch als Feministin will ich mich gegen die die sexistische Folter einsetzen und dafür dass niemand mehr gefoltert wird kämpfen. Und ich will das Jede mich bei diesem Weg begleitet. Dann kannst du meinen Brief weiterleiten und damit die Leute zum schreiben motivieren.
Ich war noch nie in Berlin aber ich würde gern bald mal kommen. Meine Tochter und ich haben eine Reise-Liste und Berlin gehört dazu. Sie war die letzte 7 Jahre meine Übersetzerin! 🙂
Sie redet perfektes Hochdeutsch und Schweizerisches Deutsch und ich eine Mischung, weil ich es auf der Strasse gelernt gelernt habe.
Mit herzlichen Grüssen,