Support Tyler while he’s on house arrest

Apr. × ’16

April 7, 2016

This week Tyler began his 6-month period of house arrest as part of his sentence for freeing 2,000 mink from a fur farm, which closed down as a result of the action. To keep track of him while he’s on house arrest, the government has fitted Tyler with an ankle monitor, for which Tyler has to pay $3 a day. Additionally, Tyler has a broken heel and is on crutches, and is thus unable to work. So, he could use support during this period as he is confined at home and his injury is healing.

If you’re able to, please make a donation to the support fund to help both Tyler and Kevin as they transition into these next phases of sentencing.

Tyler also has an online wish list that you can visit to buy him items (which will be mailed directly to him) that will help him in these next months.

Tyler appreciates all the love and support that have been shown to him and Kevin since their indictment. Let’s continue to show them that they have a community that cares about them.

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New Ferguson-Related Prisoner List

Apr. × ’16

11 March 2016

What follows is a list of people who were arrested and imprisoned during the Ferguson rebellions. Their charges, sentences, the particulars of their cases vary widely, as do their interpretations of the events in Ferguson and their participation or alleged participation in those events. We present the information below in hopes of linking up these prisoners with those on the outside who might be interested in writing to them or finding other ways of supporting them during their time in prison.

There is a fund to raise money for these prisoners as well as other Ferguson-related prisoners who did not want their information listed here but still deserve our support. This money will be used to send commissary to these folks during their incarceration.

Although everyone on this list has given permission for their information to be shared in this way, the presence of their information here in no way indicates that they hold any particular political viewpoint.

*Please note that some of these people are still pre-trial. If you wish to write to these folks, please see the note below. Addresses are subject to change for some of the people and there’s a potential that more people will be added to the list. If this happens, we will be sure to update the list.

Click here (…) to donate money to the fund.

If you have any questions or comments, please email

* * *

Alexander Irwin #S16636 // Centralia Correctional Center, P.O. Box 7711, Centralia, IL 62801

*Please note that this person is pre-trial. Please write with care and see below for details.

Birthday: September 5th

Alexander Irwin is facing burglary charges associated with being accused of looting at the Dellwood Market during the riots in August, 2014. He is currently serving a sentence in Illinois on unrelated charges.

* * *

Steven Martin #2015017284 // St. Louis County Jail, P.O. Box 16060, Clayton, Missouri 63105
*Please note that this person is pre-trial. Please write with care and see below for details.

Birthday: September 22nd

Steve Martin is facing a second degree burglary charge, falsely accused of looting a Foot Locker on the night of August 10th, 2014.

* * *

Robert Stephenson #1140630 // MECC, 18701 Old Highway 66, Pacific, MO 63069

Birthday: October 31

Robert Stephenson was sentenced to 18 months for looting a Toys ‘R’ Us on the night of August 10th, 2014.

* * *

Jeffrey Williams #2015005627 // St. Louis County Jail, P.O. Box 16060, Clayton, Missouri 63105
*Please note that this person is pre-trial. Please write with care and see below for details.

Birthday: March 30th

Jeffrey Williams is accused of the shooting of two St. Louis County police officers during a protest outside the Ferguson Police Station on March 12, 2015.

* * *

Jermaine Parker #1185800 // MECC, 18701 Old Highway 66. Pacific, MO 63069

Birthday: October 15

Jermaine Parker was sentenced to 14 years for shooting a firearm out of a car in protest during the night of the November 24th in south St. Louis.

* * *

Dakota Moss #11400-025 // FCI Mendota. Federal Correctional Institution. P.O. Box 9. Mendota, CA, 93640

Birthday: July 17th

Dakota Moss was sentenced to 14 years for stealing guns for people to use during the non-indictment riots in November 2014.

* * *

Josh Williams #1292002 // E.R.D.C.C., 2727 Highway K. Bonne Terre, MO 63628

Birthday: November 25

Josh Williams was sentenced on December 10th, 2015 to 8 years in prison for trying to burn down a Quik Trip during a demonstration in Berkeley, MO on Christmas Eve, 2014 that was held in response to the police murder of Antonio Martin.

* * *

*Some of these people are pre-trial, which means that the legal outcome of their cases can still be strongly impacted by their actions as well as by ours. Please write to these people only with the utmost care.

Do not discuss any illegal activity or ask, comment on or speculate about the particulars of their cases or about any actions they may or may not have taken to lead to the accusations against them. Please do not send these prisoners any inflammatory political material or do anything else that may draw negative attention to them.

Our letters, engagement, relationship-building, words of encouragement and care are the best way we can express our solidarity for those who are pre-trial.

* * *

We saw ourselves among those who fought where they stood, the looters, the wild ones, the festive ones- opposite the shop-owners, cops, preachers, and activist and professional politicians who told us to calm down, go home, or pray. We recognize what went down in Ferguson was beautifully vast and can’t be codified into a historicized blurb. We’re just a small group trying to get the backs of people we connected with on the streets through a conversation, head nod, smile, or common fit of anger. We can’t forget those they took from us and from the fight; we can’t leave them isolated in the dust of the storms of yesterday.

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Anarchists Niccolò Blasi and Claudio Alberto are free!

Apr. × ’16

4 March 2016

After Mattia, Claudio and Niccolò were also released from house arrest a few days ago and are now free without restrictions.
Chiara is still under house arrest as her situation is different from that of her three comrades. A few months ago she was served with a Special Surveillance order implying compulsory residence, but this has been suspended and is to be enforced only when Chiara is released from house arrest. An appeal was made against the order and the court will soon decide about revoking, modifying or confirming ‘their’ Special Surveillance.
We’re also waiting for news concerning Lucio, Francesco and Graziano, who have recently submitted a request for release.

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12 Jahre für Mónica Caballero und Francisco Solar

Apr. × ’16

Mónica Caballero und Francisco Solar wurden zu je 12 Jahren Knast verurteilt. Das Urteil des Sondergerichtshofs Audiencia Nacional wurde gestern den Anwälten der beiden anarchistischen Gefangenen übermittelt. Die 12 Jahre setzen sich zusammen aus 5 Jahren wegen “Körperverletzung” und 7 Jahren wegen “Sachbeschädigung mit terroristischer Absicht”. Freigesprochen wurden sie von der Anklage der “Zugehörigkeit zu einer terroristischen Vereinigung und der Verschwörung” gegen das Kloster Montserrat.

Laut der spanischen rechten Hetzpresse wird die über 2jährige Untersuchungshaft auf die Haftdauer angerechnet. Zusätzlich zu der Haft wurde den beiden ein 10jähriges Ortsverbot für Zaragoza und Barcelona auferlegt. Außerdem müssen sie 182.601 Euro Entschädigung zahlen an die Kirchenverwaltung von Zaragoza und 22.775 Euro Schmerzensgeld an eine Frau, die verletzt worden sein soll.

Diese ganze polizeiliche, gerichtliche, politische und mediale Inszenierung geht zurück auf einen Sprengsatz, der Oktober 2013 in der Basílica del Pilar, einer Kirche in Zaragoza, detonierte und geringe Sachschäden verursachte. Einen Monat später wurden unter anderem Mónica und Francisco in Barcelona festgenommen, beschuldigt und saßen seitdem in Untersuchungshaft.

Bei der dreitägigen Gerichtsfarce im März diesen Jahres wurde deutlich, dass es keine Beweise gegen Mónica und Francisco gibt. Die Fingerabdrücke waren nicht übereinstimmend. Der einzige Anhaltspunkt der Polizei waren unscharfe Videos von Überwachungskameras. Die Polizei behauptetet, dass die beiden unkenntlichen Personen, die darin zu sehen waren, ein ähnliches Bewegungsprofil hätten wie Mónica und Francisco. Ein Bericht über den Prozess ist bei thefreeonline nachzulesen (auf englisch).

Es ging offenkundig von Anfang an nur darum, die anarchistische und andere soziale Bewegungen in Spanien zu kriminalisieren und das Hirngespinst einer fiktiven anarchistischen Terrorgruppe als Vorwand zu verwenden für massive Repression. Mit der Festnahme von Mónica und Francisco nahmen die Repressionswellen ihren Anfang. In der Folgezeit wurden im Rahmen von operación Pandora, operación piñata, operación ICE und operación Pandora2 Dutzende Menschen festgenommen und Privatwohnungen und soziale Zentren durchsucht.

Mónica und Francisco waren aus Chile nach Spanien gekommen, um der medialen Hetze zu entkommen, die dort auf sie niederprasselte. Bereits in Chile hatte der Staat versucht, ihnen Beteiligung an Bombenanschlägen anzuhängen. Sie saßen auch dort in Haft, wurden jedoch letztendlich freigesprochen.

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Jason Hammond ist frei!!

Apr. × ’16


Jason Hammond, Antifa aus den USA, ist nach über einem Jahr in Haft endlich frei!

Hier gehts zum Facebook Account der Support Gruppe:


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Gute Nachrichten: Silvia, Billy, Costa

Apr. × ’16
Urteil im italienischen Prozess gegen Silvia, Billy, Costa: Sie können nicht für das gleiche nochmals verurteilt werden! Verfahren abgeschlossen, keine weiteren Haftstrafen!


24 marzo 2016 08:49

Questa mattina presso il Tribunale di Torino c’è stata la lettura della sentenza per Silvia, Billy e Costa, già condannati in Svizzera per possesso, trasporto e ricettazione di esplosivo per il tentativo di attacco al centro di ricerche nano-tecnologiche IBM aZurigo a firma Earth Liberation Front Switzerland. Il processo elvetico si concluse con la condanna tra i tre anni e quattro mesi e tre anni e otto mesi.
La procura di Torino, imbastendo un caso tutto italiano, aveva chiesto pene fino a 5 anni e 6 mesi per i medesimi reati. Il tribunale si è espresso con l’improcedibilità per il “Ne bis in idem”, non poter condannare per lo stesso reato, quindi il non dover procedere per difetto di giurisdizione.

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Neuer Gefangener Hambacher Forst

Mar. × ’16

Nachdem am 22.März vor dem Landgericht Cottbus der Berufungsfall der LAUtonomia Aktivistin Sara verhandelt wurde, ist kurz nach dem Ende der Verhandlung unser Compa Huba verhaftet worden.

Beim Verlassen des Gerichtssaales versperrten Zivilpolizei und Justizbeamt*innen die Tür, konfrontierten Huba mit einem Untersuchungshaftbefehl begründet durch angebliche Fluchtgefahr und führten ihn – bis dahin als Zuschauer beim Prozess von Sara – in Handschellen ab.

Noch am selben Tag wurde er dem*r Haftrichter*in in Cottbus vorgeführt. Er sitzt nun in der JVA Wriezen und wird ab kommenden Dienstag nach Aachen verlegt. Ihm wird vorgeworfen im Kontext der Rodungssaison im Hambacher Forst am 11.November 2015 im Landkreis Düren schwere Körperverletzung begangen zu haben.

Wir wissen nicht wie lange es braucht, bis Huba in der JVA Aachen ankommt. Gefangenen-Verlegungen brauchen in der Regel ziemlich lange, da die Inhaftierten solange warten müssen bis ein Gefangenentransporter von der JVA, in welcher sie sich grade befinden, zu einer anderen JVA fährt, die sich auf dem Weg zu der JVA befindet, in der sie ihre Haft verbüßen sollen. So verbringen die Inhaftierten mehrere Tage in den so genannten Einganszellen unterschiedlicher JVAs, wo die Haftbedingungen nochmal erschwerter sind als im Regelvollzug, da sie solange sie sich in den Eingangszellen befinden, keinen Zugang zu Büchern, Sport- und weiteren Freizeitangeboten der jeweiligen JVA’s bekommen.

In Aachen beziehungsweise in Düren wird er dann erneut dem*r Haftrichter*in vorgeführt werden.

Gerne könnt ihr schon Briefe an die Postanschrift des ABC senden. Wir werden die Briefe von da aus an Huba weiterleiten, sobald die Umstände dies ermöglichen.

Post an:
ABC Rhineland
z.Hd.: Huba
Kallsgasse 20
52355 Düren

No one is free until all are free!

Hubas Verlegung zieht sich hin. Erst am 04.April beginnt die Verlegung.

Bis dahin sitzt er in der JVA Wriezen ein und kann Post bekommen.
Also schreibt ihm! Menschen, die seinen Pass-Namen kennen, schreiben direkt an die JVA:

JVA Wriezen,
Schulzendorfer Straße 1,
16269 Wriezen

Alle anderen können Briefe an das ABC senden, wir kümmern uns um die Weiterleitung:

ABC Rhineland
Kallsgasse 20
52355 Düren

Mehr Infos zu Briefe an Gefangene findest du: [Hier]

Solidarität ist eine Waffe!


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Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

Mar. × ’16

30.3., gefunden auf

From ABC Istanbul:

Hi, I wish everyone healthy, pleasant, free lives, I send my love and greetings.

I was exiled from Kocaeli No 1 F Type prison on 05.02.2016 and taken to Silivri prison by force.

Our VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT, which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is totally usurped and destroyed in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison, which I have been exiled=transferred to. The aim of this exile=transfer was to practice the violation of right in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison. This planned scheme is put into action in this prison.

From the day I have arrived to this prison, I have faced violation of rights. To put an end to these inhumane practices and violation of rights; I have written petitions heaps of times. Till this moment, none of my petitions are answered. The violation of rights neither have ended, they are still going on.

The meetings, dialogues we have been doing for the last 15 days and the petition letters we have written to end the violation of rights have not yielded any results. The violations of rights are still present. I have started the indefinite hunger strike protest today (22nd February 2016) to resist the practiced usurpation of rights, violation of rights and the restitution of our humanitarian rights. I will continue my hunger strike until the violation of rights end and our humanitarian vital rights are restituted.

The demands of my Indefinite Hunger Strike Protest;

1- The right of vegan alimentation which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is completely destroyed.

Yet entitlement of this right is acquired through Indefinite Hunger Strike Protest and through the support and solidarity protests of public opinion. This right is legitimate, legal, judicial and is a fundamental right of human.

The formation of these humane rights is ensured during the period of protest; with the recognition and approval of the Ministry of Justice and with the dialogues carried on mutually. By agreeing upon certain fundamental rights, our problem of Vegan Alimentation was resolved.

Our obtained, fundamental, humane Right of Vegan Alimentation is aimed to be destroyed by exile=transfer. This violation of right is planned by Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison Administration and Ministry of Justice and therefore the exile=transfer is realized. The area of practice is the Silivri No:6 L Type Prison itself.

We want the violation of our acquired, legitimate, legal, humane VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT; which is planned through the exile=transfer, to come to an end.


a -Our right of ordering and shipping the vegan food and products we need from Vegan Dükkan (Vegan Store) should be restituted in this prison as a humanitarian, legal and legitimate right.

b – The prison canteen should provide and sell vegan food and products which vegan and vegetarian prisoners are in need of.
Regarding this issue, we have communicated a list of vegan products that vegan and vegetarian prisoners need, to the prison administration. These products we need shall be provided and sold by the canteen.

c- The facility and right to buy raw vegetables (such as cauliflower, savoy cabbage and potatoes etc.) that vegan and vegetarian prisoners need, should be provided.

d- Vegan and vegetarian prisoners shall be weekly provided with seasonal raw vegetable as bulks within subsistence allowance.
Seasonal raw fruits; broccoli, cauliflower, savoy cabbage, leek, potatoes, carrot, parsley, lettuce, dill etc. We do not accept and eat non-seasonal greenhouse product vegetables (tomato, green pepper, cucumber etc.) and canned products.

e- Sufficient amount of boiled, salt and fat-free grain and legume products shall be provided to us.

f- An ELECTRIC STOVE shall be provided to vegan, vegetarian prisoners in order to cook.

2- I have been taken to Silivri No:6 L Type Prison via exile-transfer on 05.02.2016. Since then I am withhold in the short stay unit which lacks a exercise yard. This is an inhumane, unlawful, oppressive and authoritarian execution. Such executions aimed at suppressing, oppressing and intimidating prisoners shall be stopped. A new cell with ventilation yard shall be arranged.

3- During entrances and exits through the X-Ray door, our shoes are taken off by the commissioned officer and we are ordered to pass without putting on sandals. This practice shall stop. We shall be allowed to pass from X-Ray door with sandals.

4- CAMERAS are placed in our rooms to pry, control, peep the prisoners. The camera placement is an attempt to attack to the lives of the political prisoners. This practice shall stop.
If this practice is protested and the CAMERA IS DISABLED (by changing the route or by breaking it), arbitrary disciplinary penalty investigation is enforced. Until now, three disciplinary penalty investigation about me is started. These penal sanctions are aimed to destroy our fundamental humanitarian rights. Such penalty investigations directed towards prisoners shall be completely annulled.

5- We cannot purchase our choice of newspapers and magazines from the outer canteen. The demanded newspapers and journals should be ordered and the opportunity and right to purchase them via outer canteen shall be granted.

6- 10 books are allowed per room. All books, magazines and alike documents brought with us shall be given to us without any restrictions.

7- Fixed assets such as wallboard, table, chair, wooden bed-stand that are provided without charge by the prison administration in other administrations are sold to prisoners in this prison. This arbitrary practice shall be terminated.

8- The clippings that include the barcodes and postal receipts of the faxes, Express Mail Service letters, registered letters, registered letters with return receipt written to our friends and relatives are not handed to us. There is no way we can find out if they are actually sending our letters. This is an arbitrary, unlawful practice. This arbitrary practice shall be terminated.

9- The present central television broadcast does not include IMC TV and YOL TV channels. Our request for inclusion of IMC TV and YOL TV to the prison central Office broadcast shall be accepted.

10- When using our weekly call, we are not allowed to call again the next day if the calls are not answered or if our families are not present at home during that day. Therefore a violation of right is exercised. This practice shall be terminated. We should be able to call our families in the following days of the week and be able to establish telephone contact.

With love and respect,


No:6 L Type Prison B-9 Üst kat, müşahede kısmı, Silivri-İstanbul

Tags: Hunger Strike, Letter, Osman Evcan, Turkey

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 at 11:09 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.

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BREAKING: Tyler Lang sentenced to time served for freeing 2,000 mink!

Mar. × ’16


This morning in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, animal rights activist Tyler Lang was sentenced to three months time served, six months home imprisonment, six months community confinement, and one year of supervised release along with $200,000 restitution. This sentence is for freeing 2,000 mink from a fur farm and spray-painting “Liberation is Love” on the side of a barn with his codefendant Kevin Johnson. The fur farm closed down as a result of their action.

In 2014, Lang and Johnson were indicted under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for the mink liberation in Morris, IL. During the summer of 2015, Lang and Johnson entered into non-cooperating plea agreements through which they plead guilty to violating the AETA. On February 29, 2016, Johnson was sentenced to three years.

The public has grown increasingly skeptical of charging people with “terrorism” for saving animals from living in barren wire cages on fur farms and being killed by methods that may include anal electrocution or having their necks snapped; during Johnson’s sentencing, even Assistant U.S. Attorney Bethany K. Biesenthal described his intentions as “noble,” and today she described Tyler’s beliefs as “a very noble cause.”

Skepticism surrounding the AETA stems from its origin. It was crafted by the American Legislative Exchange Council, a group of corporate power players who write pieces of model legislation that suit their interests, and then ALEC passes off the legislation to members of Congress. Many members of ALEC are part of the pharmaceutical, big ag, and other industries that exploit and kill animals for profit. ALEC devised the AETA, legislation not meant so much for prosecuting activists (Lang and Johnson are among only a handful of people who’ve been charged under the AETA), but to conjure public fear of the animal liberation movement and chill dissent.

Tyler and Kevin’s case should be a reminder to us all that we have to show each other love and support in the face of State repression. One of the best ways responses we can have is to take care of each other and continue to work for a day in which no animals are confined to cages and killed for profit.

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Hambacher Forst: Fledermaus frei!

Mar. × ’16

Nach seiner Haftprüfung am 19.02.16 wurde Fledermaus aus der U-Haft entlassen

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir seid heute morgen unseren Compa Fledermaus wieder in die Arme schließen können.
Viele Menschen waren erschienen, um ihn nach seiner Haftüberprüfung wieder in Freiheit begrüßen zu können und anschließend gemeinsam Mr. Blue bei seinem Prozess solidarisch begleiten zu können.

Gemeinsam gegen die staatliche Repression!

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