New International Anti-fascist Fund for Prisoners Has Already Supported Dozens

Jan. × ’16

A new project is raising funds for anti-fascist prisoners – covering medical bills, legal expenses, and even funeral costs. Donating at least $20U.S./€20/£15 or more allows you a voice in funding decisions.

Check out their quarterly report below which details who they’ve helped and how, and find out how to donate to this amazing project!

In its first six months, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has:

received over $1700U.S./1600EUR in donations from supporters in eight countries
supported two dozen anti-fascists in Australia, Belarus, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the U.S.
received endorsements from The Torch Anti-Fascist Network (U.S.) and Föreningen Fånggruppen (Sweden)
developed two ways to accept donations:
as a monthly recurring donation via patreon
as a one-time donation via paypal

Supporters can now make regular monthly contributions of any amount automatically by signing up here. This is the best possible way to support the Fund and the anti-fascists and anti-racists it provides much-needed material aid to.


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Hambacher Forst

Jan. × ’16

Die Gefangenen Mr Blue, Florian, Marte und Jus sind frei!

Jedoch zeigt das RWE-Sicherheitspersonal vermehrt Präsenz im Wald.
Solidarität in den Hambacher Forst!

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Marco Camenisch: Neue Adresse

Dec. × ’15

Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Marco is now at Saxerriet open prison. His new address is:

Marco Camenisch
PF 1
CH – 9465 Salez

Freedom for Marco!

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Call for International Solidarity to the Butzbach Prisoners’ Hunger Strike (Germany)

Dec. × ’15

In May 2014 the prisoners’ syndicate GG/BO (prisoners’
syndicate/German-wide organisation) was formed in Berlin-Tegel prison.
Ever since, it expanded to more than 70 prisons in Germany and Austria
and over 800 male and female, German and migrant prisoners joined it.
GG/BO is an autonoumous grassroots syndicate for all incarcerated
workers regardless of race and gender. Its main demands are the minimum
wage of 8,50 euros, social insurance and freedom of union to all prisoners.

GG/BO react to the situation of most workers exploited within the German
prison-industrial complex. 45.000 out of 65.000 prisoners work, in 12
out of 16 German federal states they are subject to the compulsion to
work, they are paid one to two euros per hour and strikes as well as
other labour actions are persecuted as mutiny. Beside federal state
administrations, it is local industry and big business that benefit from
the exploitation of cheap prisoners’ labour force in ‘Germany’s China’.

On December 1 two hundred prisoners many of whom are members of GG/BO
went on slowdown and collective hunger strike. Their demands are:

minimum wage of 8,50 euros per hour and unemployment benefits for
unemployed prisoners
social insurance
freedom to unionise and recognition of GG/BO as trade union
an end to all repression against GG/BO members and militants
abolition of forced labour
solidarity inside and outside

The days before and after the beginning of the hunger strike, militant
prisoners in Butzbach were subject to severe repression at the hands of
the prison authorities: solitary confinement, cell raids, repeated
transfers, interception and ‘vanishing’ of letters and other material.

Even though GG/BO do not put into question prison in itself and limit
their demands to concrete improvements of living and working conditions
behind bars we support their struggle. For the first time in the history
of anti-prison struggles in Germany, prisoners unite on the basis of
clear class struggle demands. Together with migrants, they belong to the
most devaluated and most precarious part of the working class of
Germany. Butzbach prisoners’ hunger strike is the first open conflict of
GG/BO, the first collective hunger strike of prisoners in Germany in the
last twenty years and an unprecedented escalation of class struggle in
German prisons.

We call on our comrades and all rebellious prisoners abroad to support
the hunger strike of Butzbach prisoners’ by

sending letters to GG/BO spokesperson in Butzbach prison Jürgen
Rößner (Jürgen Rößner / GG/BO-Sprecher JVA Butzbach / Kleeberger Str. 23
/ 35510 Butzbach / Germany)
making known the hunger strike in their cities and prisons
doing actions of solidarity and sending us pictures of those
strengthening your own struggles against exploitation and incarceration

GG/BO solidarity group Jena

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 5th, 2015 at 5:13 pm …… siehe

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Turkey: Anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan resisted and won his fight again (Turkey)

Dec. × ’15

osman evcan


Anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan resisted and won his fight again (Turkey)

Sunday, December 20th, 2015

Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar gained the victory from the determined
struggle which they put their lives against the state inside the thick
walls of prison which they are enclosed. Osman and Hasan, got what they
demanded through this hard period. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite
hunger strike which took 39 days against intimidation and extermination
politics against prisoners in prison and again he proved us that how he
is right about his call to raise struggle.

We celebrate Osman Evcan who has proved that the thick walls that are
built in order to revitalize the new “terrorist” wave that the Turkish
state needed and legitimize further operations cannot be an obstacle to
anarchists at all. The “punishment” system and their officials that made
comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 39 days and tortured him are our
enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar are not a
matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture
is the state policy. We are grateful to everyone who have held
demonstrations, spoken up, and support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman
Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike
process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the
message from Osman Evcan and Hasan Çınar soon.

With anarchist solidarity,

ABC Istanbul

Postal address of Osman Evcan, vegan comrade imprisoned in Kocaeli #1 F-Type Prison (Turkey)

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Postal address of the imprisoned vegan comrade, info via ABC Istanbul, write here or send a card to the recovering hungerstriker:

Osman Evcan
Kocaeli 1 Nolu F Tipi Cezaevi

VON (27.11.2015)

Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan (Turkey)

From ABC Istanbul:

We visited vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan at Kocaeli no:1 high security prison on his 16. Day of hunger strike. It is obvious that in parallel with the elections on November, the state fascism and oppression techniques have a reflection on the prisons. Because of the anarchist, vegan, libertarian ideas that Osman Evcan was fighting for, for many years; the pressure on him increases. Osman Evcan is now faced with F Type Prisons intimidation policies. His access to vegan food is blocked. And he is facing the imposition : “obey or die”. Osman Evcan continues his resistance under worsening conditions of imprisonment. And he made it clear that he is determined to continue his indefinite hunger strike with the will of total freedom. During our visit he was full of hope and told us to not to leave the arenas that organized violence is terrorizing. And he underlined that, the only way is resistance and struggle. And Osman Evcan also builds this hunger strike with a perception of psychological resistance that is against the fear and witch-hunt politics that is wanted to be created and calls us for action and to motivate ourselves for our rights arising from our existence. We shouldn’t let Osman Evcan and ourselves to be destroyed by the wheels of obedience mechanisms based on destroying all kinds of denial and objection. Let’s listen to the call of Osman Evcan who built his life on ideas based on solidarity, struggle and not harming any living being, and these ideas are bringing him to death. We want to share Osman Evcan’s letter on his reasons to start the hunger strike. Until all cages and prisons are destroyed!
ABC İstanbul

From Osman Evcan

About informing public opinion about my indefinite hunger strike:

I am a prisoner in Kocaeli no:1 F type prison. Because I am vegan I don’t eat meat or any kind of animal products and I avoid using any kind of products made out of animal bodies. I chose to live this way because it’s related to animal liberation and animal rights.

I came to Kocaeli no:1 F type prison on 24 April 2014. I wrote to prison administration that I am a vegan. And I wrote to them that I don’t eat meat or any kind of animal products. I eat fruits, vegetables, grains and pulses. With this I requested that the food I get and subsistence is suitably arranged for my nutrition. Also with this I requested that vegan products should be sold and stocked at the inner and outer canteen in prison.

For a long time my requests were not accepted. Even though I wrote petitions to the prison administration tens of times, I didn’t get any reply.

For many years I wrote petitions about the same problems that I have had to the Ministry of Justice, the Chief public prosecutor’s office, to the Kocaeli judge of execution. My vegan diet problem was not solved.

In addition to this my family and my comrades also wrote petitions outside the prison to legal institutions to solve this problem. All our efforts and attempts as vegan prisoners to have our legal, humanitarian rights remained inconclusive.

Just because I couldn’t get the vegan food I needed, I started to have health problems. My body got weaker because of poor nutrition and I started to get sick quite often.

As a last resort to resist against repressive, authoritarian, arbitrary practices and to gain our basic human rights back, on 25 May 2015 I started my indefinite hunger strike. My hunger strike lasted 33 days. On 26 June 2015 my requests were accepted.

In accordance with the agreement;

1. We can supply the vegan products and food we need which doesn’t exist in prisons canteen, from the Vegan Market under prison administrations supervision.

2. Our meals which were cooked and brought from Kocaeli Open Prison shall be given to us as follows:

* The meals shall be cooked with seasonal vegetables,

* Non-seasonal greenhouse vegetables and canned products shall not be given to us,

* Meals with cereal products and legumes that we need shall be sufficiently given to us,

* In proportion to our food supplies, seasonal vegetables and fruits (vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, raw mushroom, carrot etc.) that we need shall be given to us as raw food all together on a weekly basis.

Our legal and humanitarian rights that we mentioned above have been granted to us, vegan anarchist prisoners as a result of our indefinite hunger strike action. I could have died or become permanently disabled due to this hunger strike action. Even the most fundamental legal, humanitarian and universal rights have been reinstated in consequence of the hunger strikes we had at the risk of death.

These rights that given to us, vegan prisoners have been accepted and put into effect on 26 June 2015. It approximately took 4 months. Most recently on 6 November 2015, our rights have been restricted by the prison administration with an arbitrary and authoritarian treatment.

This oppressive treatment is a non-humanistic and an illegal treatment.

This is violation and infringement of our rights. The fundamental rights that vegan anarchist prisoners have gained over years by the virtue of our efforts, struggle and hunger strike at the risk of death have been usurped in one swoop. Our humanitarian and universal rights have been
violated and disregarded.

The last package of vegan food sent by Vegan Market was posted to prison on 6 November 2015. When I went to take the package, they opened it, examined one by one but they didn’t let me take it. They put the package in storage. So the prison administration said that from now on they will
not give the vegan products to the prisoners.

Another vegan prisoner Kemal Toksa from C-Blok, his right to have vegan food was usurped in the same way. When it comes to vegan, vegetarian and sick prisoners, this violation of rights and usurpation of rights are systematically operated.

Another arbitrary treatment by the prison administration is the present content of the weekly vegan food list sent by Kocaeli open prison institution directorate on 12 November 2015. There were animal products like honey and yoghurt which contains domination on the list. Even though the prison authority knew about our choice of nourishment they started this psychological pressure and attacks.

In addition to these usurpation of our rights that we have as vegan, vegetarian and sick prisoners, there are many other problems we have in prison. Authoritarian, arbitrary practices by the prison administration brings violation and usurpation of humanitarian rights with it.

To condemn the violation and usurpation of our rights and to have our humanitarian rights back I started my hunger strike on 10 November 2015.

I bring to the public opinion that until we have our humanitarian rights back, I will continue my hunger strike.

During my hunger strike, I can become permanently disabled, my health can deteriorate and I might lose my life. The responsible ones for all kinds of negativities that may occur are;

1. Ministry of Justice
2. Chief public prosecutor’s office
3. Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison
4. Kocaeli open prison institution directorate

Below I will write the vital problems we are having because of the prison administration’s authoritarian, arbitrary practices. Till all of our problems are solved I will continue my hunger strike.

The reasons for me to start indefinite hunger strike:

The problems we want to be solved;

1. Vegan prisoners vested interests must be given back to them. The substantive conditions must be prepared to get the vegan food, products that the vegan prisoners need to eat healthy and balanced. The need to get vegan food which doesn’t exist in prison canteen, should be fulfilled by the families or comrades from outside, under the prison administrations supervision. There shouldn’t be any restriction or prohibition about this matter. The vegan products brought to the prison canteen, is sold to vegan prisoners with prohibitive prices. This products should be sold without any profit motive.

2. The rights granted to vegan prisoners should also be granted to vegetarian and sick prisoners. Sick prisoners legal and humanitarian rights are violated. This violation must stop.

3. An electric stove must be provided to vegan, vegetarian and sick prisoners because of their nutrition needs. They need electric stoves to be able to eat healthy and balanced.

4. To purchase vegetable and fruits from outer canteen should be possible.

5. The seasonal fruits and vegetables that vegan, vegetarian and sick prisoners needs, must be provided by the prison administration weekly.

6. There shouldn’t be any animal products like honey, yoghurt etc. on the weekly vegan food list. They should stop this kind of psychological pressure and attacks.

7. Water boiler that the prisoners need should be sold in the inner canteen.

8. Authoritarian, oppressive, insulting nude strip search implementation on the first arrival to the prison should stop.

9. Body search implementation by taking the shoes off inside prison should stop.

10. During the free visit we should have the right to come together with the visitors and we should be allowed to take pictures with them.

11. There should be tea machines in the free visit rooms. Our visitors should be able to drink tea.

12. The authoritarian terror, oppression, violence, genocide against Kurdish people must end. Kurdish people’s right to determine freely their own language, culture, communal living shouldn’t be violated. Kurdish people and all the other people from different nations should have their right to use natural, basic, universal rights equally and freely.

13. Sexist oppression, violence, terror, genocide against women should stop.

14. Depredation, slaughter, contamination, exploitation of the Earth should stop.

15. Speciesism, genocides, violence, exploitation of animals should stop.

16. Homophobic, transphobic violence, terror, massacre directed to LGBT individuals should stop.

17. Imperialist, colonist governments should stop the occupation, exploitation, war, massacres in Syria and all over Middle East. The starters and responsible ones of the war in Syria and Middle East are the western colonist governments. All the people of the Middle East should put the active struggle into practice collectively.

18. The violence, exploitation, rape, massacre against the immigrants migrating to Turkey because of the war created in the Middle East and Syria should stop.

I started my indefinite hunger strike on 10 November 2015 in order to solve the problems listed above.

With love and greetings.

Vegan anarchist prisoner

Osman Evcan
Kocaeli 1 Nolu F Tipi Cezaevi 10.11.2015

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Schreibt Tomas – Baskenland

Dec. × ’15

gefunden auf
(vom 19.12.2015)

Tomas Elgorriaga Kunze(*) wurde am 16. November 2015 an Frankreich ausgeliefert und befindet sich derzeit in Untersuchungshaft im Gefängnis Fleury-Mérogis, knapp 30km südlich von Paris. Wer ihm schreiben möchte: die Adresse ist unten angegeben. Dort steht der Flyer auch als PDF zum Download zur Verfügung. Das Bild ist ein Ausschnitt einer kleinen Skizze von Tomas.

Es ist inzwischen mehr als ein Jahr vergangen, seit wir am 31. Oktober 2014 die Nachricht seiner Verhaftung erhielten. Damit war eine der offenen Fragen für die Zukunft des Baskenlands und für die Lösung des baskisch-spanisch-französischen Konflikts auch in Deutschland angekommen: Hunderte Baskinnen und Basken, die vor drohender oder – wie im Fall von Tomas – erlittener Folter, vor absurden Beschuldigungen und noch absurderen Urteilen aus Spanien und auch aus Frankreich flohen, hoffen auf eine Lösung für ihre Situation im Rahmen eines Friedensprozesses. Spanien verweigert sich einem solchen Prozess jedoch immer noch, obwohl inzwischen vier Jahre vergangen sind, seit die baskische bewaffnete Organisation ETA ihren Kampf im Oktober 2011 für beendet erklärte und seither den von der baskischen Gesellschaft erarbeiteten Weg für eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts unterstützt.

Gerade in diesen Zeiten des immer ungehemmteren Einsatzes von kriegerischen oder repressiven Maßnahmen wäre die Unterstützung des baskischen Friedensprozesses durch die deutsche Regierung und durch das für die Auslieferung zuständige Oberlandesgericht in Karlsruhe ein starkes Plädoyer für den politischen Dialog. Stattdessen musste Tomas den Prozess der Auslieferung als Alptraum erleben. Seine Anwälte hatten ihn am Freitag telefonisch über die beschlossene Auslieferung an Frankreich informiert, aber bevor er den Auslieferungsbescheid sehen und mit seinen Anwälten besprechen konnte, wurde er auf brutale Weise nach Frankreich geschafft. In einem Brief schreibt er am Abend des 16. November 2015 aus dem Gefängnis in Strasbourg:

„Nun ist es passiert, in einer Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion haben mich die Beamten in Mannheim heute Morgen aus dem Bett gezerrt, und ohne zuzulassen, dass ich mich anziehe, geschweige denn packe, haben sie mich der Polizei übergeben, die mich nach Offenburg gefahren hat, wo mich die französische Polizei abgeholt … hat …. Ich habe hier also keine Kleidung, kein Geld, keine Adressen, nicht einmal meine Brille, nichts. Sogar die französische Polizei hat den Kopf geschüttelt.“

Wir sind empört über die Brutalität und die Willkür der Abschiebungsprozedur. War dies angeordnet? Oder ist das die Art und Weise, in der Vollzugsbeamte in Mannheim mit Menschen umgehen? Tomas hatte noch lautstark Asyl beantragt, die Beamten haben dies jedoch einfach ignoriert.

Tomas hat in Frankreich das Recht auf einen fairen neuen Prozess. Wir erwarten von der französischen Justiz, dass sie Tomas Rechte wahrt, den Kontext der Friedensbemühungen im Baskenland im neuen Prozess berücksichtigt und vor allem Tomas nicht nach Spanien abschiebt. Von der deutschen Justiz und den deutschen Behörden erwarten wir, dass sie die Einhaltung der Bedingungen, unter denen sie die Auslieferung genehmigte, garantiert. Außerdem erwarten wir die Einstellung des §129a/b-Verfahrens gegen Tomas, das die Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft aus eigenem Antrieb aufgenommen hat. Nach intensiven Ermittlungen konnte sie auch nur feststellen, dass Tomas in Freiburg gelebt, studiert und gearbeitet hat.

Danke für Eure Solidarität!

Wir danken allen, die die Kampagne gegen die Auslieferung von Tomas nach Frankreich unterstützt haben für Eure Solidarität, sei es in Form von Veranstaltungen und Solidaritätsadressen oder durch Briefe an Tomas! Ein für Tomas ganz besonderer Akt der Solidarität war die Kundgebung am 14. November 2015 in Freiburg, zu der ein Bus aus seiner alten Heimatstadt Hondarribia angereist war.

Wir werden Tomas weiterhin nach Kräften unterstützen! Und wir werden uns weiterhin dafür einsetzen, dass die spanische und die französische Regierung nicht länger Konfliktlösung und Frieden im Baskenland blockieren. Die Kundgebung in Freiburg hatte die Losung „Tomas mit uns in Freiheit nach Hause“. Es wird Zeit für eine politische Lösung des Konflikts, damit alle baskischen politischen Gefangenen, Exilierten und Flüchtlinge nach Hause zurückkehren können!

Euskal Herriaren Lagunak – Freundinnen und Freunde des Baskenlands
26. November 2015

Wer Tomas schreiben möchte:

Tomas Elgorriaga Kunze
No. 424403 / d3-2g-42
Maison d’arrêt hommes Fleury-Mérogis
7, avenue des peupliers
F – 91.705 Sainte Geneviève-des-bois Cédex

(*) Hintergrund: Am 31. Oktober 2014 wurde Tomas Elgorriaga Kunze in Mannheim verhaftet. Zuvor lebte er seit 2001 in Freiburg, studierte und arbeitete an der Freiburger Universität. Früher war er in der baskischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung aktiv. Im Frühjahr 1998 verhaftete ihn die spanische Polizei wegen angeblicher Unterstützung der ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, Baskenland und Freiheit). Tomas wurde schwer gefoltert und flüchtete, als er auf Kaution freikam. Seine Mitangeklagten wurden zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Er selbst wurde später in Frankreich wegen angeblicher ETA-Mitgliedschaft in Abwesenheit verurteilt.

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Schreibt Martin! ANTIFENIX

Dec. × ’15

Unter dem Decknamen Operation Phönix („operace Fénix“ auf Tschechisch) führte die Polizei im Frühjahr 2015 die größte Repressionswelle gegen die anarchistische und linksradikale Bewegung in der neueren tschechischen Geschichte durch.
Mehrere Personen sind seither in Haft.

Am 2.12. wurde Petr freigelassen (siehe
doch andere sind immer noch eingesperrt und bitten um eure Unterstützung:
Schreibt Martin einen Brief!
Hier seine Adresse!

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
Vazebni věznice Praha – Pankrác
Praha 4
140 57

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Briefe schreiben an (politische) Gefangene

Dec. × ’15

Montag, 4. Januar 2016, 18.00 bis 22.00 Uhr, während Antirep-Abend
Restaurant Hirscheneck, Lindenberg 23, 4058 Basel
(Restaurant rollstuhlgängig)

Zum ersten Mal während des Antirep-Abends!
Es wird ein leckeres, veganes 3-Gang-Menü serviert, der Erlös geht in die Antirep-Kasse! Worauf wartet ihr noch?? Kommt vorbei, geniesst das gute Essen und die nette Gesellschaft und schreibt ein Kärtli an Gefangene!

Eine Zeichnung, ein Gedicht, ein Zeitschriftenartikel… ein kleines Zeichen der Solidarität bedeutet den Gefangenen unglaublich viel. Wir sorgen für aktuelle Gefangenen-Listen (international), Papier, Schreibzeug und Briefmarken und stehen euch beim Schreiben unterstützend zur Seite. Gemeinsam durchbrechen wir die Mauern!

flyer 4.1.16

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Nov. × ’15

Moscow volunteer and animal rights activist Victoria Pavlenko sentenced to 1,5 years of prison for saving a dog from the street!

We desperately ask all our comrades worldwide to make protests against this cruel, unjust and ridiculous decision of Russian court system. It can be call-ins or street demos or anything else you would like to do as an act of solidarity and support! Even if you cannot do much, any help will be appreciated a lot!

Group of support:
Sign petition:
in Russian;
in English:;
in French:;
in Finnish:

Contact email:

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Solidarität mit dem Kollektiv Straight Edge Vegan

Nov. × ’15

Solidarität nach Spanien! 6 Mitglieder des Kollektivs Straight Edge Vegan aus Madrid wurden am 4. November im Rahmen einer “Anti-Terror”-Aktion festgenommen. (Operation Ice)

Bitte schreibt Nahuel, der soeben in eine anderes Gefängnis verlegt wurde:
Juan Manuel Bustamante Vergara
Centro penitenciario Madrid IV, Navalcarnero Ctra. N-V, km. 27.7 28600 Navalcarnero
Hintergrundinformationen auf Spanisch:…/28277-straight-edge-dete
– libertario-straight-edge-madrid-esta-madrugada/

Dies erfolgt nach der zweiten Pandora Operation, bei der 28 Personen verhaftet wurden:

Eine Chronologie der Pandora Operation:

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