Gabriel Pombo da Silva ist frei

Jun. × ’16

„Der Anarchismus betrifft das Individuum, nicht nur der Gemeinschaft sondern sich selbst gegenüber. Der Anarchismus wendet sich nicht an den „Bürger“ sondern an den Menschen.“ – Albert Libertad –

Liebe Genoss_innen

Endlich, nach vielem Hin und Her vom Knast und den Gefängnisbehörden, haben sie sich verpflichtet gefühlt, ihre eigenen Gesetze zu befolgen, die sie sonst stets verletzen und ich bin hier endlich in Freiheit, richte diese ersten Worten der Dankbarkeit und Liebe an alle, die ihr mich diese letzten 30 Jahre begleitet und in meinem eigenen anarchistischen Glauben bestärkt habt und dabei die elementaren Prinzipien des Anarchismus, gegenseitige Unterstützung und Solidarität, verwirklicht habt. Das hat mich schließlich aus den Klauen der Gefängnisbestie befreit, gegen die ich auf der Straße weiter kämpfen werde, ohne die persönliche Schlacht zu vergessen, die draußen geschlagen wird, da es für mich kaum Unterschiede zwischen dem einen System und dem anderen gibt.

Ich weiß sehr genau, dass ich, noch Teil alldessen, sehr privilegiert bin, da ich auf die Unterstützung von Genoss_innen zählen konnte. Es gibt viele, die nicht von dieser Chance profitieren können. In den kommenden Tagen werden wir Kommuniques herausbringen, die schon über die spezifische Materie unserer Bewegung und möglicher Strategien eintreffen, die wir entwickeln müssen, um den ganzen Institutionalismus und buen-rollismo (??) des revolutionären Anarchismus unserer Älteren/Vorkämpfer_innen/Vorgänger_innen zu erneuern.

Ich möchte festhalten, dass ich niemals unsere libertären Genoss_innen vergessen werde, die im spanischen Staat und auf der Welt gefangen gehalten werden, besonders Mónica, Francisco, Claudio und die zuletzt in Haft genommene Genossin/die letzte in Haft genommene Genossin, die an Deutschland ausgeliefert werden wird, wobei ich viele außer Acht lassen, die ich nicht namentlich erwähne.

Es bleibt viel zu tun, das ist gewiss, aber letztlich wird es nicht bei Lust, Vorfreude und Entschlossenheit bleiben. Ich werde hier nicht auf die niederträchtigen Versuche der Gefängnisleitung, meine Entlassung zu verhindern, eingehen. Das werden wir mit offiziellen Schreiben dokumentieren, in denen sich eindeutig zeigen wird, wie grob und wirr die Justiz dieses Landes ist. Ich bin frei und so wie es aussieht beabsichtigen sie, mich in 45 Tagen von Neuem einzusperren, von Neuem ihre Hunde auf mich loszulassen. Selbstverständlich werde ich weder freiwillig in den Knast gehen, noch mit dem „Gesindel“ paktieren, mich auf irgendeine ausgehandelte Entlassung einlassen. Daher nehme ich an, dass mir nicht mehr bleibt, als aus dem Schatten zu kämpfen, diejenigen Prozesse und antiautoritäten Projekte unterstützend, die voranzutreiben ich für nötig halte, mit allen Mitteln, die mir zur Verfügung stehen, bis hin zum Untergrund in den sie mich treiben.

Alle Menschen und Organisationen zu erwähnen, die mich während all dieser Jahre unterstützt haben, ist unmöglich, es sind zu viele. Ich möchte nur, dass ihr wisst, dass ihr heute, morgen und immer auf mich zählen könnt, wenn es um den Anarchismus und die soziale Revolution geht. Heute, von einem Aufenthaltsort außerhalb der Mauern, schicke ich Berge von Grüßen

Gabriel Pombo da Silva

Ein kleines Gedicht, die verbesserte Version hat Mónica in ihrer Zelle 😉

1. Akt (Vorspiel)

Ich entdecke in jedem Gestirn ein Teil meiner ursprünglichen yoedad: Wasser, Sauerstoff, Wasserstoff, Mineralien, Aminosäuren

Ein Wassertier, Reptil, Säugetier sein; Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Sternenstaub

Mensch der seine Herde und seine sklavische Moral leugnet. Mörder der Götter. Ewiger Gott an meiner statt, Bruder der Einzigen. Ares, Gott des Krieges, Giordano Bruno und Nietzsche.

Dichter und Enteigner eines alten Geschlechts: Renzo Novatore, Severino di Giovanni, Durruti und Sabaté

Zum Tode verurteilt wie Augustín Rueda und Puig Antich. Blut der Ketzer und Gotteslästerer.
Sprecht nicht mit mir Kinder! Sprecht nicht mit dem, der euch empfiehlt zu leiden und den Schmerz zärtlich zu empfangen, als Teil des Prozesses und der Erfahrung, die uns befreit!

Wir sind Sternenstaub… Partikel dieser wunderbaren Weite. Nichts hält uns auf, im Leben und Sterben erzeugen wir Supernoven

Bruder Insekt, Flechten der Erde, Erdbeben. Körper, die sich formen um sich ihrem Lebensraum anzupassen…

Welch Ironie, dass eine falsche Interpretation der Werke Platons und Aristoteles’ zum Ergebnis hatte, dass die Spezies, die sich von weitem in ihren Kulturen zeigt, sich freiwillig ihren metaphysischen Fiktionen unterwarf!

Ein schmutziger Wurm der Mensch, der Gottesfurcht toleriert und sich auf der Suche nach Befreiung den Magiern und Theologen in die Arme wirft!!

Es gibt keine Befreiung, nur Oxidation, Tod, Lebensphase. Nicht einmal Mahnung an jemanden: mein zerstörerischer Nihilismus hat ein Monster erschaffen.

Ich sehe mit Reptilienaugen, agiere wie eine Katze, bin der nächtliche Uhu und der Stier, der sein Territorium einfordert.

Morgen…Kind…wenn du alt wirst auf dem Pfad des Krieges und der Anspannung, wirst du in deinen Pupillen zwei Sonnen einschließen. Deine Sporen werden zu neuen Blumen des Schlechten aufkeimen.

Das ist der ganze Sinn; Poesie Liebe und Tod

2. Akt (Schlussfolgerung)

Aus dieser Höhe kann ich die Augen all meiner Vorfahren sehen. Ich danke euch für das Vermächtnis, und dir, Mutter, mein Fleisch, meine barbarische unzivilisierte Herkunft.

Und was nun? Ich habe gelernt eine Sprache zu sprechen, die niemand kennt. Ich habe gelernt Titanen der tausendjährigen Indoktrinierung zu schlagen

Ich spreche mehr mit den Gestirnen als mit den Menschen. Ich spreche mehr mit den Toten als mit dem Lebenden. Es fehlt mir nur ein Wolf zu sein, der auf dem Berg umherstreift um den Vollmond anzuheulen.

Ich möchte aufhören zu sprechen. Nichts sein als innere Erregung. Wilde Blicke. Körper, die sich ineinander verflechten. Münder dir nur den Zweck haben zu küssen. Körper, die sich aufmachen diese nichtige Schöpferin der Ewigkeit zu lieben.

Wörter öffnen nicht nur Wege, sie versperren sie auch.


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Solidarity with John Bowden – Long time prison resister and anti-authoritarian

Jun. × ’16

Show your support for John Bowden, a vocal writer and critic of the system we all live under, who is in Greenock Sheriff Court in Scotland, on Friday 24th June, after being accused of assault on a prison guard.

Throughout the 1980’s and 90’s, John Bowden was at the forefront of the British prison struggle, leading and being involved in serious acts of resistance against the prison system, and was deeply politicised by the experience. Viewed by most prison staff as a committed and dangerous “trouble-maker”, John was often brutally punished, suffering years of brutality and prolonged solitary confinement. He has been victimised, in one way or another, ever since.

In June of last year, after hearing the evidence of an independent psychologist, the Parole Board decided that after 30 years in prison, John Bowden represented no real risk or danger to the community, and like the two men originally imprisoned with him in 1982, who were released almost 20 years ago, he should now be returned to that community. The Parole Board therefore asked the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) to transfer John to an open prison in preparation for release twelve months later. At the parole hearing itself, a representative of the SPS agreed to comply with the Board’s request. In reality, however, the SPS had absolutely no intention of preparing John Bowden for release, or even allowing him out of maximum security conditions. The orchestration of the prison authorities against him has been considerable, and has included “arbitrary and illogical decisions” and “abuses of power” by those in the prison system and linked to it. John has also been the victim of lies told by a criminal justice system social worker, supposed to be “supervising” him. The same employee of Edinburgh City Council also failed to produce the necessary ‘social worker report’ containing a plan for his post-release supervision.

John has also been moved around prisons constantly in order to destabilise him and make his situation more difficult. This has had the affect of making communication between John and the outside world harder, and prevented him forming friendships inside the prisons, as other prisoners are able to do.

John has written “instead of keeping my head firmly down and conforming unquestioningly, no matter how wrong and unfair my treatment, I had sought to highlight it and place it in the wider political context of prison/state abuse of power”.

After an attack on a fellow prisoner, John stepped in to intervene. A guard then took John to one of the very few places within the prison that aren’t covered by surveillance cameras & started pushing him repeatedly in the chest, then when John eventually pushed his hand away the guard over dramatically threw himself to the floor. Despite sustaining no injuries the guard then took a period of time off work with “stress” from the incident. It was clearly a pre-planned set up to have John charged with assault & therefore moved back out of open prison conditions and away from any chance of preparations for his release. John is therefore pleading not guilty to the charge.

We are a number of prisoner solidarity groups that include Brighton ABC, Manchester ABC, London ABC, Bristol ABC, Empty Cages Collective and Black Pigeons Collective, Switzerland. We support the solidarity action in Greenock near Glasgow, and ask that you take action on the day of the trial or show solidarity in any way that you feel that you can.

What you can do:

Show your support for prisoners’ rights and demand an end to the frame-up of John Bowden and those who refuse to accept the brutality of the screws and their system in the following ways…

a) Come to Glasgow and join the court protest from 9.30am on Friday June 24th at Greenock Sheriff Court (PA15 1TR) where John is on trial. Sleeping spaces available the nights before and after. We will travel together to Greenock – bring banners or posters and a bike if you can, bikes should be available to borrow if you can’t. Lifts may also be available for anyone who can’t cycle.

b) Write to the governor of Whitemoor prison, challenging the politically motivated decision to categorise John as an escape risk the last time John was in an English prison:

Governor Paul Cawkwell

HMP Whitemoor
Longhill Road
PE15 0PR

c) write to John to express your solidarity.
ADDRESS: John Bowden – 6729, HMP Edinburgh, 33 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3LN [address correct as of June 2016]

d) Organise a demo or banner drop outside your local prison or somewhere in your town or city. And take a photo that we can collate and pass on to John Bowden.

Please share this call-out as widely as possible, and if you want to add the name of your group in the call-out please reply to

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Nekane: Neue Adresse

Jun. × ’16

von 21.6.

Nekane wurde am 21.6.2016 in den Knast in Dielsdorf verlegt. Ihre Postanschrift lautet neu:

Nekane Txapartegi
Gefängnis Dielsdorf
Spitalstrasse 5
Postfach 115
8157 Dielsdorf

Schreibt ihr, sie freut sich sehr über eure Briefe!

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Antifenix, Prag: Aufruf zur Solidarität mit Martin, schreibt ihm!

Jun. × ’16 19.6.16
…unten die Adresse von Martin!

As “Czech” Anarchist Black Cross and the AntiFenix Collective, we call for international solidarity actions against the repression of anarchists in the so-called Czech Republic. This repressive wave is labeled Operation Fenix – 8 people are accused or charged, some with possible life sentences, and with many more harassed by police, interrogated, raided, devices confiscated.

Our call for international solidarity is to support all of charged and affected, but also in particular to support Martin, an anarchist who was entrapped and accused of preparation of a terrorist attack, all planned by two state infiltrators. He has been locked away already almost 14 months in terrible conditions, and in response, he has just gone on hunger strike. Especially in places where you have Czech embassies or consulates, you can show that borders can’t stop anarchist solidarity.

Although Martin’s English isn’t very good, he will be very happy to receive any mail, here is his address:

Martin Ignačák 10.8.1986
V.V. Praha – Pankrác
P.O.BOX – 5
Praha 4
140 57

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Antifenix, Prag: Martin immer noch in Haft, Hungerstreik

Jun. × ’16


We have already informed about the fact that Martin, unlike us, has not been aware of the decision of the court. He hasn’t recieved the official decision to this day (June 9th, now he has gotten it) but has been informed about the court decision by his family and his lawyer who visited him yesterday. The court had decided that Martin is to remain in custody. Therefore today Martin officialy begins the hunger strike. Here is Martin’s statement.

The hunger strike is my free reaction to the circumstances that concern the approach of the police in the Fénix case.

The situation is unbearable for me due to the slander through which R. Šlachta has demagogically been ling to the Higher court. I consider it unlawful that my family is being monitored, their private lives are being interfered with, their opinion and feelings of the Fénix case are being judged. This indirectly shows that any criticism is an impulse for the monitoring of the dissenting persons and the recording of details of their private lives.

I also consider it unlawful that the privacy of my friends and their families is being violated by the police who call their employers and landlords and try to intimidate them through this tactic.

Furthermore the remand prison Praha – Pankrác is knowingly violating moral and human rights as far as nutrition is concerned, as so far they have provided me with food that is completely non-nutritive, I am not provided with vegan food. I am fully provided with food by people on the outside but is very difficult for my family and friends.

Another thing is that my detention in remand has the form of pressure detention – not just in the form of being denied vegan food but also the constant ‘security’ measures due to which visits from my counsel for defence take place through bars or plexiglass, even when I am looking through file documents. Even though a month before that the review of file documents took place without such measures.

With this protest I want to express my dissatisfaction and show that the police dishonourably goes into extremes and knowingly acts unlawfuly. They give false, targeted and untrue information to keep me in custody, on the basis of mere assumptions and fabrications, this is done by police agents and investigators.

I want to emphasize that the hunger strike is not an outcome of the trial. I want to and I will defend myself in the trial and I will participate in it, as I have already stated at the City court in Prague.

I will not end the hunger strike as long as this unbearable state persists and until the immediate remedy in these respects:

Immediate withdrawal of the false record on my sister given by R. Šlachta.
Immediate suspension of all unlawful and illegal monitoring, bullying and intimidation of my family, my friends and their families.
Immediate improvement of food in the remand prison in Praha – Pankrác.
Repeated and independent review of my release from custody with acceptance of promises and proposals from my side and the replacement of custody by other measures.


As “Czech” Anarchist Black Cross and the AntiFenix Collective, we call for international solidarity actions against the repression of anarchists in the so-called Czech Republic. This repressive wave is labeled Operation Fenix – 8 people are accused or charged, some with possible life sentences, and with many more harassed by police, interrogated, raided, devices confiscated.

Our call for international solidarity is to support all of charged and affected, but also in particular to support Martin, an anarchist who was entrapped and accused of preparation of a terrorist attack, all planned by two state infiltrators. He has been locked away already almost 14 months in terrible conditions, and in response, he has just gone on hunger strike. Especially in places where you have Czech embassies or consulates, you can show that borders can’t stop anarchist solidarity.

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US-Anarchist Eric King hat geheiratet!

Jun. × ’16

“This is an announcement to everyone out there that it’s not always a struggle for Eric in prison, but that’s because he has people like his partner in his life, and all of us out here who support, care for him, and stand with Eric. We know that it’s a fight for Eric every day in there, but he knows that we are out here joining him in that fight.

So, we say congratulations to Eric and his partner!

And you should feel free to do the same by sending celebratory messages to:

Or to EK here:

Eric King


CCA Leavenworth

100 Highway Terrace

Leavenworth, KS 66048”

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Free Nekane!

Jun. × ’16

«Sie lassen dich nicht schlafen. Ich, im Konkreten, musste die ganze Zeit gefesselt stehen und mit einem Sack über dem Kopf an die Wand schauen. Du siehst nie wer dich foltert, wenn es nicht die Tüte ist, stülpen sie dir was anderes über. Vor Ermüdung kippst du einfach um, worauf sie auf dich eintreten. Sie machen alles mögliche mit dir. Es fällt mir schwer, das alles zu erzählen. Das ging die ganze Zeit so. Insgesamt waren es fünf Tage.»
Auszug aus einem Interview mit Nekane, welche vom Spanischen Staat gefoltert wurde. Sie befindet sich momentan in Zürich in Haft und ihr droht die Auslieferung nach Spanien.

Mehr Informationen und das vollständige Interview:

Nekane freut sich über solidarische Post. Ihre aktuelle (Knast-)Adresse und mehr Informationen zu ihrem Fall:

Adresse von Nekane für Briefe
Nekane Txapartegi
Gefängnis Zürich
Rotwandstrasse 21
8036 Zürich

Adresse für Pakete (klärt aber vorher mit der Support-Gruppe ab, was überhaupt gesendet werden kann)
Nekane Txapartegi
Gefängnis Zürich
Rotwandstrasse 21
CH – 8004 Zürich

Schreibt auf Deutsch, Briefe und Postkarten bitte mit vollem Absender versehen.

Free Nekane! Freiheit für alle (politischen) Gefangenen!

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Black Lives Matter Aktivistin Jasmine hinter Gittern

Jun. × ’16

Link 7.6.16

Jasmine Richards, a Black Lives Matter Activist, is the first African American convicted of felony “lynching” in American history.

A court ruling in Pasadena, California, last week just set an unsettling precedent in the movement for black lives’ fight against police brutality.

Activist Jasmine Richards, a 28-year-old black woman and founder of Pasadena’s Black Lives Matter chapter, was convicted of felony lynching, a technical term in California penal code referring to “the taking by means of a riot of another person from the lawful custody of a peace officer.”

Tuesday morning, Judge Elaine Lu sentenced Richards to 90 days in jail, with 18 days served, three years on probation, and one year of anger management.

On August 29, 2015, police responded to a 911 call after an altercation at a local park. The owner of a restaurant near the park told police an unidentified young black woman allegedly did not pay for her meal. Black Lives Matter supporters, including Richards, were already at the park after a peaceful protest earlier that day for Kendrec McDade, a 19-year-old unarmed black teenager who was killed by Pasadena police in 2012.

Video of the incident shows Black Lives Matter supporters, including Richards, run to the woman’s side as police attempt to arrest her. Richards was arrested two days later for trying to physically pull the woman away from police.

Richards was initially charged with inciting a riot, child endangerment, delaying and obstructing peace officers, and felony lynching. When the court announced the June 1 trial date, only the lynching charge remained.

Richards is not the first modern protester to be charged with lynching. Maile Hampton, a 20-year-old black woman, was arrested for “lynching” during a rally against police brutality in Sacramento in April 2015. Occupy Oakland activists Tiffany Tran and Alex Brown were charged in 2011, and Los Angeles Occupy activist Sergio Ballesteros was charged in 2012 for lynching while intervening in an arrest at the local Artwalk.

But in other cases, the charges were later dropped. Richards is the first African American convicted of “lynching” in the United States.

“Clearly this is a political prosecution,” Richards’s attorney, Nana Gyamfi, told Vox. “Its intention is to stop people from organizing, and from speaking out and challenging the system. There’s a political message that’s been sent by both the prosecutor and the police and, by conviction, the jury.”
The history behind California’s “lynching” law

Lynching typically refers to a violent Jim Crow–era tactic used to terrorize black communities. However, the language of California’s penal code does not speak to this history of racial violence specifically. It’s one of the reasons Gov. Jerry Brown removed the term from the state’s criminal code in July 2015 following Hampton’s arrest.

California’s anti-lynching law was enacted in 1933. That year, a vigilante mob of 10,000 people stormed a San Jose jail to seize Thomas Thurmond and John Holmes, two white men, who confessed to kidnapping and murdering of 22-year-old Brooke Hart, the son of a local storeowner. Tear gas did not stop the mob, and police guards were attacked.

After plucking them from the jail, the mob hanged Thurmond and Holmes from trees in a nearby park. According to a 1933 report, Thurmond was “yanked to his doom in less time than it takes to tell it.”

No one was charged for Thurmond and Holmes’s deaths. Gov. James Rolph Jr. was nationally criticized for condoning the vigilante violence. Still, Rolph signed an anti-lynching law, which was one of several passed by state lawmakers during that time.

The law was passed at a time when people were pressuring the federal government to intervene to stop vigilante lynchings of African Americans. In July 1922, the NAACP lobbied for a federal anti-lynching bill that was ultimately filibustered by the Senate. This would continue throughout the 1920s and ’30s. The last thorough national anti-lynching bill was introduced in 1937, and was similarly squashed. In fact, the Senate record was so bad that it approved a resolution in 2005 apologizing for its willful failure to act.

In the 1930s, California’s anti-lynching law was a sign of progress at a moment when the federal governmental failed to intervene.

Today, when activists like Richards are charged with “lynching,” this progressive law appears to be exploited to quell, not encourage, social change as it was originally intended.
There is a growing legal push to intimidate Black Lives Matter activists

People involved with the Black Lives Matter movement have continually faced forms of intimidation that are eerily reminiscent of those used against civil rights activists from Martin Luther King Jr. to author James Baldwin.

Last summer, a cybersecurity firm identified activists Deray McKesson and Johnetta Elzie as “threat actors” during the Baltimore protests. In August, Vice reported that the Department of Homeland Security was monitoring McKesson’s activities on social media.

But Richards’s conviction sets a troubling legal precedent.

In the 1971 case People v. Jones, the definition of lynching was expanded to include a riot of two or more people that leads to their own escape, which has been exploited to intimidate activists who resist their (potentially unlawful) arrests. An Occupy Oakland activist was almost charged with lynching herself for yelling “help” during an encampment raid. But, again, unlike in Richards’s case, the charges were later dropped.

Black Lives Matter organizer Melina Abdullah told Democracy Now, “It’s really disgusting and ironic that she’s charged and convicted with felony lynching, when the real lynching that’s carried out is done in the same way it was carried out in the late 19th, early 20th century, where it’s supposed to punish those who dare to rise up against a system.”

Richards’s lawyer said the conviction may have also been due to the jury’s makeup: Despite Pasadena’s population being 13.4 percent black, none of the jurors were. Instead, Gyamfi noted, half of the jurors were white and the rest were either Latino or Asian/Pacific Islander.

Meanwhile, California law states that interfering with police, as Deputy District Attorney Christine Kee described Richards’s actions, is a misdemeanor. By charging and convicting Richards with the “lynching” felony, Gyamfi argues that the deputy district attorney and the local police department are setting a tone that tells activists and organizers that protesting is a criminal activity. If anything, Gyamfi said she thinks her client was used as an example to stop the movement locally, through intimidation.

Nonetheless, Gyamfi is not deterred.

“We’re going to continue to fight for freedom,” she said, “and continue to push to keep the voices of those who are shining light on what is going on in the dark by the Pasadena police department heard and amplified.”

Schreibt Jasmine:

Jasmine Richards #4681452
Century Regional Detention Facility
11705 Alameda St.
Lynwood, California 90059

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Paris: Solidarität mit Kara!

Jun. × ’16

Solidarity with Kara !

On Thurdsday 26th of May, 5 protesters were arrested following the burning of a police car in Paris, in France, among them, Kara, a trans woman from America, remand in custody in a men’s prison.

Communiqué of the groupe of Collective Defense (Defcol) :

« Following the demonstration of 26th of May, a young trans woman, Kara has been arrested a few streets away from « Place de la Nation » in Paris. She was put in police custody and later brought to the courthouse and then under investigation regarding the burning of a police car which happened earlier on during another protest on 18th of May. A statement from the parquet, later used by the press, revealed she is being accused of throwing a pole on the car windscreen.

On 29th of May, the judge of freedoms and detention incarcerated Kara for 4 days, the time she prepare her defense. Back in front of the judge on 2nd of June, Kara was placed in custody
Kara is originally from America. She was intriduce to the press and the courthouse as « a male american » eventhouh she is a trans woman, her detention must fit for her case. She should also have access to her hormonal treatment.

An article of « Le Parisien » on Thrusday 2nd of June, claims Kara was spotted « by the CCTV » according to her « fine and very particular silhouette ». How can we identify a masked person based only on its « silhouette » ? As for the other people put under investigation in this case, these protesters are put in custody with such tenuous evidences.

Repression hits everybody involved and taking part in the social movement ongoing in France.
Solidarity towards all people arrested must be absolute. »

Solidarity with Kara and all trans people in prison !
Freedom for all protesters in jail !

Read the articles in French :

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Heute: Prozess gegen die “Mütter gegen die Straffreiheit” (galizisch “Nais contra a impunidade”)

Jun. × ’16

Das galizische Kollektiv “Nais contra a impunidade” (“Mütter gegen die Straffreiheit”) ist ein Kollektiv von Müttern von Gefangenen die sich wie Löwinnen dafür einsetzen, dass die zerstörerische Realität des Knastes ans Licht kommt.

Eines der Mitglieder ist Pastora, die Mutter von XoXé Tarrío. XoXé ist nach seiner Verhaftung im Jahr 2005 gefesselt im Spital in La Coruña gestorben. Vorher hat er mehrere Fluchtversuche unternommen. XoXé ist Autor des Buches “Huye, Hombre, Huye”. Pastora hat ihr halbes Leben in der Schweiz verbracht. Ein weiteres Mitglied des Kollektivs ist die Mutter des anarchistischen Gefangenen Pombo Da Silva.

Heute, am 6. Juni 2016, werden diese Frauen vor ein Terror-Gericht in Spanien geführt. Im Jahr 2010 haben sie vor einer Kirche, in der die Guardia Civil jedes Jahr eine Messe besucht, eine Demonstration abgehalten. Die Mütter hatten zum Ziel, auf den Mord an Diego, eines weiteren jungen Mannes durch die galizische Polizei aufmerksam zu machen. Diego wurde verhaftet und in der darauffolgenden Nacht tot in seiner Zelle aufgefunden. Er soll sich mit seiner Hose erhängt haben, jedoch war diese Hose nicht mehr auffindbar, als seine Mutter seine persönlichen Gegenstände abholen wollte. Alle Beweismittel waren verschwunden.

Um gegen dieses Verbrechen zu protestieren hat sich das Kollektiv “Nais contra a impunidade” vor der Kirche versammelt und „Die Guardia Civil foltert und ermordet unsere Leute“ skandiert. Wegen dieser Parole wurden sie mit dem Vorwurf der Verleumdung verhaftet. Heute, 6 Jahre später, findet ihr Prozess statt. Sie riskieren grosse Geldbussen, die sie nicht bezahlen werden können, und müssen deswegen vielleicht ins Gefängnis.

Solidaritätsbekundungen können gesendet werden an:

Weitere Informationen:

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